It’s been said the job of Real Estate agents is no longer to be providers of data but rather to help the consumer navigate that information and make smart decisions when buying, selling or renting real estate. William MacLeod has had 2 decades to hone his experience in assisting renters, sellers and buyers through the sometimes overwhelming process of Manhattan Real Estate.

02 January, 2011

Plans for 2011 (All about the clothes)

OK, so I'm a Real Estate broker with and addiction to fine clothing, and my clothing goals "help" shape my business goals (you have to do deals to afford a $7000 suit, right??). So, I quietly spent the first day of 2011 culling my wardrobe of everything i never wear, or just doesn't look quite right, and I have a list of things I'll be moving to this year:

1. Start replacing my RTW suits from Milan with bespoke
2. Cull all the not-so-loved shoes in the closet. Need to be a lot more discerning about shoe fit.Also,NOTHING with a square toe!
3. Buy much less, but buy the best and make it count!
4. Camelhair bespoke overcoat and sportscoat
5. More odd trousers, preferably tailor-made.
6. Find the "perfect" brown suit... maybe a bird's eye???

1 comment:

  1. Ah, tailored men's clothing is a specialty item these days, now that men rarely even wear ties to work. I truly hope this niche makes a comeback.

    Also, are you the type to wear crazy socks with these outfits or no?
